• Langlands Garden Centre Shiptonthorpe

  • Garden Lighting

  • Madison outdoor cushions

  • Exotic Houseplants

  • Ooni Pizza ovens and accessories

  • Children Gardening

  • Explore our Plant Pots!

  • Fascinating patterns and colours

  • Treats from our Farm Shop

  • Highest comfort in your own garden!

  • Mix and match your pots and plants!

  • Outdoor cooking and baking!

Environment Policies

Langlands Nurseries Environmental Policy

Here at Langlands, we recognise that the global environment is our single most important resource. Britain boasts some of the most beautiful countryside, flora and fauna in the world, and we want to keep it that way. While the issues surrounding global warming and environmental damage are diverse and complex, by implementing a comprehensive, company-wide environmental policy, we have developed stringent best-practice guidelines for all of our employees to reduce our carbon footprint, promote recycling and energy-efficiency, and limit wastage wherever possible.


We compact and recycle all of our cardboard and paper waste, our staff are also encouraged not to print off unnecessary documents. We minimise paper waste by making a committed effort to cut down on paper-based marketing, with the majority of our external advertising being electronic.

Additionally, our kitchens recycle all of the oil that we cook with, and any glass generated by our catering facilities.



At Langlands Garden Centres, we do our utmost to "upcycle" pallets, trays, containers, pots, and a whole host of other items that we can find a practical use for to minimise wastage.

Such items often become the raw materials for our shop floor displays, among other things.


Local Sourcing

Most of the food that we prepare and sell in our catering establishments is purchased from local suppliers. For example, our flagship centre at Shiptonthorpe (York) relies on regular deliveries from Laverack and Son butchers, Williamsons Wholesalers, St. Quinten's Creamery, Field Farm Eggs and many more, all located within a 30 mile radius of our home.

Where possible, our catering teams at all three of our sites will always look to local suppliers first. Additionally, we grow all of our bedding plants and most of our seasonal plants on site, and of the plants that we do not grow on site, the majority are bought from trusted U.K-based suppliers. These measures not only effectively reduce our potential carbon footprint, but also actively promote and support British businesses.

Energy Efficiency

Heating the garden centres and greenhouses at Langlands' sites has been made as efficient as possible through a variety of innovative methods, one of which is "Air Source Heating". This generates considerably less CO2 than conventional heating systems. In addition, the company has installed 160 solar panels to scale down our overall dependency on the national grid, thereby further reducing our carbon footprint.

Raising Awareness

Throughout our centres, we observe the highest standards in support of the environment and to combat climate change, and we always try to raise awareness of these issues with our customers and suppliers. To this end, we stock many associated "green" products, including (but by no means limited to) solar-powered lighting, peat-free composts (and a wide selection of reduced-peat composts), water butts, compost bins and 'Make-Your-Own-Compost' kits, pots made from recycled or biodegradable materials, organic, natural and sustainable plant foods and fertilizers, recycled glassware, and of course, a large range of the most natural home air purifiers available... the humble house plant!

Peat Policy

At Langlands we offer our customers a wide range of growing media, we are committed to using and selling the best quality products.

Sustainability is also important to us. Peatlands are precious habitats that safely store carbon underground, so we are actively working to reduce the amount of peat we sell and use. Alongside this, we want to ensure that any peat replacements are sourced sustainably.

Where possible we will:

  • Label bags and/or associated point of sale so the consumer can see the peat content of the product they are purchasing.
  • Provide alternative products of the right quality and consistency.
  • Provide information so that consumers improve their knowledge of peat alternatives.

It is also acknowledged that further evidence is required to demonstrate the environmental credentials of alternative products such as bark, coir, processed wood, composted green material, vermiculite; etc to ensure that peat replacement brings about genuine and worthwhile environmental benefits.

FSC Policy

FSC labelled products are made with consideration for people, wildlife and the environment and also provide ongoing business value.

The FSC label guarantees that the forest products that are harvested are replaced or are allowed to generate naturally.

FSC protects the right of indigenous people to use the forest. The forest owners must use local workers to run the forest. They must provide them with training, safety equipment and a decent salary. FSC give the assurance that future generations will be able to enjoy the beauty  and benefits of the forest.

The Langlands Team will:

  • Provide information to our customers on the benefits of purchasing FSC accredited products
  • To actively work toward sourcing and stocking wood products that have the FSC accreditation
  • Ensure that every product purchased from us that bears the FSC logo has been produced according to FSC standards.

Our Commitments in a Nutshell

Langlands Nurseries has been in business for over 50 years. In all of that time, our ethical policies, our role in our local community and our subsequent responsibilities to the environment have not changed, only expanded and been refined to encompass the following simple values:

  • We are proactive, conscientious custodians of the environment.
  • We always promote and support fair trade.
  • We strive diligently to ensure that no-one is exploited in the production of the items that we sell.
  • We play an integral role in the development and support of our local community.
  • We are an honest, ethical, and fair employer.
  • We always trade locally where possible to help other British businesses to thrive and prosper, and rely on trusted local supply chains.